Issue Position: Issues

Issue Position

With 43 years of public finance experience, executive and leadership experience, and a Ph.D. in Political Science, Policy Studies, I am well prepared to address the challenges faced by our state.

I have an optimistic outlook for our state, founded on growing our population and economy through good paying work opportunities. We should be proud of NH's 2.6% unemployment rate, 2.3% in the greater Keene area. However, these low rates also signal a shrinking workforce availability, something that could hamper economic growth. Building a workforce and expanding our state's economy will take a coordinated, well thought out set of values and priorities for our state.

1. My highest priority is to preserve and promote the quality of life in NH, to grow businesses, foster innovation, and retain young people in this region. Here my track record is deep:

helped create MonadNet, the first Internet service provider in the Monadnock region
helped create the Regional Center for Advanced Manufacturing, RCAM
helped establish a CASA program in Keene to support abused and neglected kids in SW NH
led establishing the Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce Workforce Coordinator
helped leverage business incentives to bring jobs into this region when I led the Monadnock Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors
2. Assure educational opportunities at all ages: early childhood, public schools, affordable colleges, and innovative and relevant workforce training and development.

3. Attract and retain workforce, families, and retirees in our region through health care access and quality. I will support Medicaid expansion, access to mental health services and Planned Parenthood.

4. Keep our communities and citizens safe through attention to economic security; drug education, enforcement and treatment; and well trained emergency response personnel.

5. Advocate for safe highways and bridges for this region, particularly those that are gateways to the region, and for better broadband access and speeds needed to support the economy and workforce.

6. Advocate to expand renewable energy production and conservation efforts in the state. Putting caps on alternative electricity generation is not in the long-term interest of this state.

I am engaged in this campaign to win, to move forward with initiatives to advance the Monadnock region and the State. We live in a region that defines its politics more by the character of a person than by their political party. I look forward to representing the interests of District 10, Cheshire County, and its citizens.
